git commit -m "write more"

October 15, 2019

2 min read ☕️

Time to write. Click clack, he won't hold back!

Time to write. Click clack, he won't hold back!

It's about time. ⏳ At least, it's about the commitment to stick to a certain time. And I'll keep this post short and quick.

TLDR: I have a Public Accountability Statement. I'm officially committing to writing a new article every week and posting on Thursday at noon local time, starting this week. And let's be real, this post is short enough that a TLDR wasn't really necessary, but here we are 🙃.

I haven't written anything new for the past (nearly) two months. Even though my backlog of blog post thoughts, insights, and ideas continues to grow daily (around 30 items strong now). It's kinda starting to look like my JIRA backlog at work 😅.

I've already posted about this on the socials, but it's time for action. So, in my attempt to get a head start on abandoning my New Year's resolutions, I'm going to begin a few now. A major one, which happens to be the reason for this particular post, is to write more and consistently.

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12

So, I'm numbering my days and committing to writing at least one article per week and publishing it on Thursdays at noon. My first entry will be a big and exciting one: the JavaScript event loop.

I'm not going to constrain myself to write a set amount, just that I do write.
